Is Microsoft Ushering In A New Renaissance of Technology?

Today, Microsoft announced new hardware to make its intentions known. It wants to compete against Apple. Announcements such as a new Surface Pro 4 will clearly do the trick for them. With new enhancements like a larger display, thinner design, stylus functionality improvements, a redesigned attachment keyboard and new Intel processors, their aim to take… Read More Is Microsoft Ushering In A New Renaissance of Technology?

Why Google, Instead of Samsung, Is Apple’s Biggest Rival

You may have seen the latest Samsung commercials introducing the new edition of the Galaxy Note. During Sunday’s NFL games, the Galaxy Note 4 was pushed in continuous rotation, and in the process “Apple-bashing.” Samsung’s case against Apple was that Apple changed its tune from previous remarks that a bigger phone would not be acceptable… Read More Why Google, Instead of Samsung, Is Apple’s Biggest Rival