Why Google, Instead of Samsung, Is Apple’s Biggest Rival


You may have seen the latest Samsung commercials introducing the new edition of the Galaxy Note. During Sunday’s NFL games, the Galaxy Note 4 was pushed in continuous rotation, and in the process “Apple-bashing.” Samsung’s case against Apple was that Apple changed its tune from previous remarks that a bigger phone would not be acceptable over smaller ones. And with the latest Apple conference introducing the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, Samsung made their case. There’s no doubt Samsung wants to hit Apple where it hurts. But is Apple REALLY concerned? I don’t believe that to be the case, and I’ll tell you why.

While Samsung does take control of being the most legitimate rival Apple has had with their Galaxy products against the iPhone and iPad, there’s an even bigger threat that’s right in front of us…………..or at least on your browser or search engine or e-mail. That’s right, it’s Google.

Google is the target company Apple should very well be concerned about. Here’s the deal: in the last 3 years, Google has made serious efforts to bring about their own ecosystem, in addition to sharing it with others (e.g. Samsung, Motorola, LG, Sony). Far as other tools, let’s look at both company’s products:

Google Android | Apple iOS
Google Drive | Apple iCloud
Google Chrome | Apple Safari
Google Chromecast/TV | Apple TV
Google Chrome OS | Apple Mac OS
Google Maps | Apple Maps
Google Wallet | Apple Pay
Google Docs/Sheets/Slides | Apple Pages/Numbers/Keynote
Google Hangouts | Apple FaceTime/Messages
Google Play | Apple iTunes/App Store

There’s others that could be mentioned, but I’ll stop with this list. The point is whatever Apple has, Google has been able to establish a counter for. Now, I do realize that Apple are marketing geniuses when it comes to selling products. The sales tell it all. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the overall product is better, per se. It’s just popular based on those high sales. In some cases, a good chunk of Google’s products are better than Apple’s line. The question I ask is that will any large business that uses Mac OS X really make the transition to Chrome OS? I highly doubt it. Mac OS has been around for 30 years. It’s not just going to up and die out that easily. The same can be said for Windows.

Google has been around long enough to maintain themselves as a big threat, in some ways to a fault. They still have some ways to go. Keep in mind, Apple is still the top dog with various products, but Samsung doesn’t have as many counter products in the same way Google does. Samsung already has a great catalog of products: from TV’s to home appliances to smartphones, tablets and laptops. They will be fine. But to label them as the main de-throner of Apple as a whole is just not realistic. I won’t go as to say Apple is too big to fail, but they have one bigger target to look out for besides Samsung. Apple will still have to step up in the innovation category, of course, so that commercials like Samsung doesn’t make them fall flat on the face. The thing I would argue for Apple is that when there’s something out there that’s already been introduced and Apple decides to get their hands on it, Apple seems to, for the most part, find a way to revolutionize it to their own liking. It’s not so much innovation, rather it’s revolution. Yes, there have been some hit and misses with Apple but if there’s one company that can recover in a loud way, it’s them.

Google is still king of search engines at the end of the day (sorry Bing), but the company of this little search engine that could has put a lot of brands on notice. And for that, I welcome the competition. For me, it’s much better than buying up tons of smaller companies eliminating competition. Google vs Apple……….sounds like a great heavyweight fight for years to come.

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